On one side the United States lost the America’s Cup to New Zealand, and on the other side the man who designed the Cup-winning boats for two countries a Doug Peterson died after a long struggle with cancer.

Doug Peterson, who was 71 years old was the resident of Point Loma and was also the member of the San Diego Yacht Club. The friend Peterson Chris Calkins, said due to heavy illness, Peterson died in a San Diego hospital on the very same day when New Zealand beat the United States in the final race.
He was one of the top designers of yacht all over the world. In era 1970s and a part of 1980s was his, after that he revived his career in the 1990s. For his contribution in the field of sailing, he was voted for Hall of Fame of America’s Cup this year. The name induction ceremony is scheduled for October and will remain so at the Museum of USS Midway.
On the death of Peterson the whole sailing world went into the deep grief, as it is a big loss to the industry. The sailors from all over the world were praying for the good health of Peterson.
A participant of the America’s Cup said,” Though, we are too young to acknowledge his work, but we know about his contribution to the industry very well. We have sailed in many of his designed Yachts and his name will always be there in the heart of present sailors.”
“Though, no official statement has been made with regards to the condolence of Peterson by the top authorities of sailing, but for all the sailors who know him and his work, it is a day of sorrow.” said an authority of sailing committee.